Impression Photography

Catching Light: What Are the Strategies for Perfect Jewellery Photography?

In This Article

Good photography is crucial for selling products and impressing customers. However, knowing exactly what steps to take to improve images can be challenging, especially in jewellery photography. If you want to improve your photography skills, whether you’re starting with a phone or a professional DSLR camera, this post is for you. Here, we provide resources for everyone to learn how to shoot jewellery photos.

Light your jewellery for photography

Lighting is crucial for photography, especially when capturing jewellery. Cameras struggle in low light, so brighten the scene to avoid blurry or grainy images. To create an ideal photography environment, use diffused light, such as outdoor sunlight or artificial studio lighting like softboxes. Position lights strategically, using desk lamps or torch lights to highlight gemstones. Practice and experiment with different lights, softening methods, and lighting directions to achieve the best results.

Make Use Of Flash

Avoid using the camera’s small flash to highlight jewellery, as it may appear unnatural due to the light coming from the lens. Instead, point the flash away from your jewellery and towards a wall or ceiling to create a soft, professional light, as it’s rare to see light illuminated by your face.

Use the best camera for jewellery photography

Cameras can capture stunning images with adequate lighting. Modern camera phones offer a wide selection of sensors and lenses, with larger cameras accommodating both. Compact cameras are better than smartphones, while DSLRs have lenses for small-scale photography. The choice depends on your needs and image size.

Managing the reflections on your jewellery

Highlights in jewellery can be difficult to control with light alone, and distracting reflections can be noticeable on polished metals and spherical designs. To avoid these, use a reflector and a black or white card to direct light back towards the jewellery. Positioning tin foil, paper, or cards near the jewellery can also help. Consider factors like brightness, proximity to windows, and camera lens placement to prevent reflection.

Examining Your White Balance

Incorrect white balance in jewellery product photography can be detrimental, especially with silver. The colour of an image is determined by the type of light used, with daylight appearing blue and indoor bulbs appearing orange. Cameras can only white balance under one type of lighting, resulting in an orange-and-blue picture. To achieve a more realistic look, manually adjust the camera settings or edit the temperature afterwards.

Image composition and determining the ideal camera angle

Composition is crucial in a photograph, involving the placement of items and the camera angle. The rule of thirds is a popular technique for viewing the image in nine sections. Props should be arranged in different sections, and camera height should be maintained at a 45-degree angle. Experimentation is key, as each image requires different compositions. Selecting the best angle to highlight important details and displaying multiple angles is essential for a pleasing image.

Developing the perfect focus

Position your camera as close as possible to your jewellery for optimal photography. For phone cameras, start as close as possible and hold down on the screen to focus. Use a macro lens for clearer pictures, and zoom in for a clearer view. Lighting is crucial for auto-focus, and the aperture determines the focus. For a happy medium, shoot at f/11 for a high number of in-focus shots but less light. Consider using a large DSLR camera or cheap phone lenses for a budget-friendly option.

Minimizing any movement of the camera

Jewellery photography requires careful attention to camera shake, as even minor movements can cause blurry images. Professional photographers use large tripods to prevent this issue. Brighter images are less likely to experience shaking, and if the lights aren’t bright enough, keep the camera still. Stabilize your arms, take multiple quick shots, and use burst mode for shake-free shots. Consider using a tripod, which can be small and lightweight. Maintain a steady camera and use ample lighting for sharp photos.

Make use of backgrounds and props

When photographing jewellery, use flat backgrounds like slate, marble, or wood slabs to highlight the creations. Consider the colour of your backgrounds, as lighter designs like silver and diamonds stand out on darker ones. Keep props to a minimum and in the background to keep the jewellery on centre stage. Use various props to create a theme or customize each piece.

Editing the photos of your jewellery

Photographers often engage in image editing, with two camps: those who prefer untouched images and those who prefer editing. We prefer editing to showcase the beauty of gemstones in real life, but we avoid attempting to make your jewellery appear different. Editing can improve the appearance of your photograph in ways such as brightness, cropping, and changing the white balance. Highlighting the brightness and colour of your jewellery can help showcase its true beauty.

Employing complementary hues in your photography

Adobe’s colour tool can help you create the perfect colour combination for your next shoot. It can rearrange colours, suggest complementary colours, and change the match type. This tool is useful for deciding on props for your shoot and for decorating your home, as it helps you choose the right colours for your project.

Always snap more images

For ecommerce jewellery photography, take at least two photos from every angle and highlight all the details. The more photos you take, the more you’ll understand what works. Practice makes perfect, and digital photography allows you to delete mistakes without noticing. Taking more photos will help you understand what works best and improve your photography skills.

Finally, we sincerely hope that this post has taught you something new about photography or your camera, allowing you to take even more beautiful pictures of your jewellery product Photography Montreal.

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