Impression Photography

How to Improve Your eCommerce Product Photography: Expert Tips!

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Professional-looking Product Photography significantly influences customer decisions and improves the usability of an e-commerce store. Online shoppers lack the sensory experience of in-person shopping, so great product photography should showcase the product’s appearance, texture, fit, and appearance from various angles and settings. Even without professional photography, creating stunning product images can boost online sales. Here are the best tips for DIY e-commerce product photographers to enhance their site’s appearance and revenue generation.

Free Camera Photography photo and picture

  • Take pictures of the full product

This may appear obvious, but as an e-commerce Product Photographer Montreal, make sure that the entire product is visible in the photo. Your product should be straight, level, wrinkle-free, and have a reasonable amount of blank space around it. If not, customers are less likely to click Buy. Clean product photography demonstrates to potential customers that you are a legitimate business, not a hobbyist. If you need to retouch your photos (e.g., remove wrinkles, dust, or background clutter), use a specialized app.

  • Maintain a consistent size.

Keep a sufficient margin between each product and its border. This gives the product space to breathe. If your product photos are not all the same size, it can ruin your customers’ browsing experience. Visually, it appears unbalanced. Consistent images make it easier for users to navigate your e-commerce store’s pages. For example, category pages may be bright or include models, whereas product pages may share similar backgrounds, angles, and ratios.

  • Eliminate any background.

Remove the background from product images to create a sleek, modern, and consistent e-commerce store appearance. This removes unwanted shadows and colours, making product photos more professional and directing customers’ attention to the product. Save images in.png format, which supports transparent backgrounds. Grey and white squares around products indicate successful export, as the background is transparent and will take on the site’s background colour.

  • Include multiple images for each item.

It is sometimes best to display multiple images of a single product. Customers want to see the product from various perspectives, see close-ups of its details, and see how it looks on a real person. eCom shoppers do not have the same shopping experience as traditional retail customers. They cannot try on a product. They cannot see all of the details for themselves. To properly showcase the product, you will need enough images and product information (such as size charts and outfit inspiration shots). 

  • Display the colours of each product.

Aligning product images with a brand’s colour scheme is critical for brand identity and recognition. Consistent use of brand colours in product photography contributes to a cohesive look across multiple platforms, reinforcing brand messaging. If you offer a product in multiple colours, make sure to include photos of each colour on your website. If your customers order multiple colours, your cart size and average order value will increase. There is no need to take multiple product photos for different colour variations. If you know how to use photo editing software, you can take a great photo and change its colour.

  • Get a crisp picture.

Image sharpness is crucial for Ecommerce Photography Montreal stores, as blurry or pixelated images can negatively impact the customer experience and make the website appear less trustworthy. To ensure a clear and accurate product image, use a DSLR camera with a wide aperture range, focusing on the product’s lens for better clarity. Modern iPhones also have this effect in portrait mode. This ensures a more accurate representation of the product.

  • Modify the exposure of your picture.

Ensure that the product is properly exposed. This means that multiple light sources are occasionally required to prevent shadows and dark areas on your product. If you don’t have a lightbox, shoot in natural light outside or combine window light with an overhead light to ensure proper coverage. It is much easier to adjust exposure when the image is dark and requires more exposure than it is to decrease exposure when the image is washed out due to too much light. Consider using a lightbox while shooting to ensure consistent lighting.

  • Put your products at the forefront.

To become an expert Montreal product photographer, place your product exactly in the centre of the frame and always photograph it from the same angle. This makes your eCom store appear more unified, balanced, and organized. Investing in a camera tripod allows you to make each photo look the same, and remember to mark where you place the product with tape.

  • Incorporate reflections

Add product reflections to give your eCom store’s product photography a more luxurious appearance and depth. This is best achieved in post-production or with a small mirror. Mirrored surfaces complicate photography, and you may spend hours trying to get your tripod out of the shot. Only use reflection effects in front-facing product photos. If the product image is more of a flat lay, there is no natural reflection. In that case, it is best to avoid reflections entirely.

  • Give your photos a watermark.

You devote a significant amount of time to product photography for your e-commerce store. Consider watermarking your product images to prevent people selling the same (or similar) products from using them without your permission. If you decide to watermark your product photos, make it discreet. You still want the emphasis to be on the product, not a prominently displayed watermark.


The photos you use in your eCom store are one of your most valuable assets. When done correctly, they will enhance your customer’s online shopping experience while increasing your site’s conversions and average shopping cart value. When done poorly, they have the exact opposite effect and can harm your brand. If you want to master e-commerce photography, such as Amazon Product Photography Montreal, the above tips can prove to be quite helpful for the same. 

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